Celia Imrie
Edna the cook
Celia Imrie from Guildford, England, has starred in many box office successes including Bridget Jones’s Diary, (2001), Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace, (1999), Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason, (2004), Nanny McPhee, (2005), The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel, (2011) and The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel, (2015). Celia was cast as Matron in St Trinnians, (2007) and was also the head of a mysterious organisation as the evil Miss Kizlet in Doctor Who, (2013).
What a scoop Celia was. I saw her at ‘Letters Live’ (a show where lots of actors read special letters to an audience). Celia is a favourite with so many people. I found her after the show and very quickly pitched the film and the part of Edna to her “It would be brilliant if you could be Edna – you’d play her so well,” I said hopefully. She was very nice, not at all put out by me interrupting her evening. “I’d love to read the script,” she said. “It sounds good. I love playing baddies.” She played the grumpy Edna perfectly.