Stills from “Molly Moon and the Incredible Book of Hypnotism”

Molly Moon is found as a baby in a Moon’s Marshmallow box, dumped on the doorstep of Hardwick House Orphanage. Hardwick House is a miserable, draughty place and Molly endures a hard life there.

Molly walks through the wood near the orphanage. She is at rock bottom. Her life at Hardwick House orphanage is so horrible.

Gordon runs through the wood past Molly. He taunts her and splashes her. This was a sequence that we filmed but that was never used in the final edit of the film.

Molly has been given a washing up punishment. Rocky tries to cheer her up and sings a song he has written.

The VFX (Visual Effects) people made magical green dust come out of the book – dust that shows that the book is choosing Molly. The VFX people do brilliant things.

Molly has hypnotised grumpy Edna to be kind and to cook yummy food. She has made spaghetti and the orphanage kids cannot believe it.

Miss Adderstone, now hypnotised by Molly speaks to Mr and Mrs Alabaster. Jinx says ‘She’s gone bonkers’.

Molly gazes into a shop window at an advert for the drink QUBE, with the child star Davina Nuttel in it…

Molly is over the moon! She’s hypnotised her way into a luxury hotel in London. In the book Molly goes to New York. But in the film I decided to change the story and have Molly travel from Briersville to London.

Molly hypnotises an audience at Portland Studios, and people at home watching her on their TVs are hypnotised too. A giant magnifying glass has come down in front of her. In post production the VFX people made Molly larger through the magnifying glass, though in this picture you cannot see this effect.

After Molly has hypnotised everyone, she then performs on stage for the live TV broadcast. This shot is what the hypnotised audience thinks they are seeing. In fact Molly can’t dance or sing at all.