Molly Moon hits the Film Festivals

TIFF Kids International Film Festival Logo

As you may have heard Molly Moon and the Incredible Book of Hypnotism premiered at the Toronto Kids International Film Festival.

The cinemas were packed and the people who came seemed to really like the film. They came out talking about hypnotism and Molly and the movie. It seemed that they loved it.

Hypnotism - An Ancient Art Explained - Molly Moon's WorldLuckily, before I went to Toronto,  I had managed to find the prop book from the film, the old, red book called Hypnotism, An Ancient Art that Molly finds in the Briersville library. People loved that.

Next time I will take the stuffed pug that the crew used as a pretend Petula when the actor dog, Lola couldn’t be on set.

Petula prop from the movie "Molly Moon's Incredible Book of Hypnotism"

The movie will be heading to Bentonville International Film Festival BIFF and Seattle International Film Festival SIFF next.

SQUIFF SNIFF WHIFF festivals too. These ones I made up. It seems all film festivals end in IFF (International Film Festival).

Soon it will be all over the world. I cannot wait for you to see it.

By the way, if a kids’ film festival comes your way, go.

Film festivals show brilliant films… and obscure ones from far away places like Mongolia or Tahiti or Timbuctu that you might never see otherwise… These quite often have subtitles but you soon get used to reading what the actors are saying. Though there are lots of films in English too. Often you can see a film way before it comes out in the cinema.

Hope you are having a good day where ever you are.


Georgia Byng

A post from Georgia Byng

Dominic Monaghan as Nockman

Screenshot from "Molly Moon and the Incredible Book of Hypnotism"

Mr Nockman removes his anti-hypnotism goggles for a second. Dominic Monaghan plays Nockman. He is BRILLIANT. #dominicmonaghan. #TIFF

Q&A session

Georgia Byng & Chris Rowley will be taking part in a Q&A session following the Molly Moon screenings on Sat 11th and Sun 12th April at TIFF.

Meet Micky


This dog is called “Micky”, named after the Molly Moon character.

Picture shared by @booksanne on Instagram

Artwork by fans

Send your Molly Moon artwork via social media (Facebook, Instagram or Twitter) – don’t forget to tag with #MollyMoon. You might find your artwork on the Molly Moon website or shared on Molly Moon social media.