Special Halloween competition

Hello everybody. It’s competition time…..

Molly Moon Halloween competition

Do you want to win a signed copy of Molly Moon’s Incredible Book of Hypnotism and a hypnotic pendulum that you can wear around your neck? It’s always useful to have a pendulum for those moments when someone needs an urgent dose of hypnosis. All you have to do is use your imagination. And then type your answer and send it to me.

Here’s the thing. Petula has been sniffing around in the woods while Molly and Rocky are busy building a tree house. She comes face to face with a scary-looking, mad, wild cat.

This is where you have to make something up. What is the cat’s name?

Email your idea for this horrible cat’s name and I will pick the one that I think is the best. I know this is going to be a tricky competition as I am sure lots of brilliant ideas will come through to me. But only one person will win the prize.

If you are under 13 please ask your parent’s permission.

Then, email answers to: hypnotising@mollymoonsworld.com

Remember to say your name.

The competition will close the day after Halloween on Sunday 1st November 2015.

I can’t wait to see what you come up with

Good Luck!

Georgia Byng




A post from Georgia Byng