Rocky Scarlet
Molly saw Rocky’s dark-brown face, framed with black curls.
Both Molly and Rocky had arrived at Hardwick House ten summers ago. A white baby and a black baby. Molly had been found in a cardboard box on the doorstep by Miss Adderstone, whilst Rocky had been found in the top part of a pram in the car park behind Briersville police station.
Found because he’d been heard yelling at the top of his voice.
Rocky’s name came directly from his red pram. On its hood had been written ‘The Scarlet Rocker’. Rocky was solid in build, like a rock, and very calm. This calmness came from a dreamy quality he had.
Molly daydreamed to escape, whereas Rocky’s dreaminess was a sort of pondering, as he wandered about the odd world he saw about him.
Even as a baby, he could often be found lying happily in his cot, thinking and humming to himself.
His deep, husky voice, together with his good looks, made Mrs Trinklebury say that one day he’d be a rock star, singing love songs to the ladies.